Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards 2024 launched to honor positive social influence - My Joy Onine

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    The first edition of the Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards 2024 has officially been launched.

    This will usher in a new platform to recognise the positive social contributions of celebrities and brands across the country.

    This innovative awards scheme honors individuals and organisations using their platforms to address societal challenges and drive community development.

    With a theme focused on "celebrating those who give back," the awards aim to shine a spotlight on those who have significantly contributed to charitable causes and social advancement.

    The initiative hopes to inspire others to engage in meaningful social impact efforts, amplifying the collective effect of these contributions.

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    At the official press launch, organizers provided key details, including the event schedule and the opening of the nomination period, which runs from September 5, 2024, to October 5, 2024.

    During this time, individuals and organizations making a positive difference are encouraged to submit nominations.

    To nominate a deserving individual or organization, participants must visit the official website, fill out a nomination form, and submit supporting documents such as testimonials or project reports.

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    Office 15 Ave Rd
    Pink Crescent
    Trasacco, East Legon

    +233 243 332 726

    Mo-Fr: 10.00 - 18.00

    Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards

    The Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards (GCIA) is a pioneering initiative designed to harness the influence and reach of celebrities and brands to drive positive social change within communities.

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